Thursday, October 23, 2008

Edutopia Ideas

Unfortunately I am late in doing this blog post and I must say that is definitely a loss for me. I loved the two video casts, The Edible Schoolyard and A Night in the Global Village. These are two very amazing ideas for a hands-on experience for students.

I must say that The Edible Schoolyard struck me the most because I am a gardener myself. I could see the eyes of those children as they experienced the whole atmosphere of their working in the garden and know first hand how they were feeling. Do I think this is a teaching tool which is useful? Most definitely. How better to be able to incorporate math, science, social studies and life experiments into a classroom outside of four walls and desks. These children will not only love this time of the day, but these will be skills they will remember versus something they may or may not learn from sitting in a desk and listening to a lecture.

As for the video cast, A Night in the Global Village, this would be an eye opening experience, one I would like to take advantage of as well. We live in a country where so many "things" are readily available to us, sometimes just by the push of a button. An experience such as this would be a wonderful way to show students that these things really do exist and it is not just something they see on television. It would also, hopefully, give the students a greater appreciation for what they have and a spirit to give more to others.

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